Pitch, Time and Middle


Hot pitch of revenge

Cooled by time’s sweet soothing balm

Indifference grows


Echoing through time

The heart defends the spirit

With her pitch perfect song


Ronovan’s Haiku Challenge Words: PITCH and TIME

Jamie’s Photo Challenge Word: MIDDLE There were so many photos I could have chosen for ‘Middle’, but none of them sold themselves strongly enough, I got the choice down to 2 and decided to wait for Ronovan’s Haiku Challenge words to help me choose. The word PITCH did it!  and I thought of Bodiam Castle (visited last summer) in the MIDDLE of its moat, being defended with hot pitch being poured onto its attackers. A sense of a fortress as metaphor emerged and out of that, after many re-writings and shifts in emphasis, came the haiku…… …….. and a couple of other poems: A Micro Poem:

The Middle

The Centre

The Source


Strong fortress

Defended with the hot pitch of bitter revenge

Only time cools


These poems hark back to darker times – many many years ago and all over and done with now, I’m glad to say! I have enjoyed this blog as a positive zone, but Ronovan’s words sometimes push me into other areas of experience which I resisted at first, but creativity isn’t all about bright colours and beauty is it.

Balance and Flow.

To see what other photo challengers got up to this week: JamieCathyErika, and Melissa (with added Haiku), animals featuring in all four – very cute! and Garry.

And some sister Haiku from Nato

And click here for Ronovan’s Review of all the Haiku entries.

For more pictures of Bodiam Castle click here

25 responses to “Pitch, Time and Middle

  1. Pingback: better late than never? a round-up | bluedaisy creates

  2. Pingback: RonovanWrites Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt Challenge 45 Review | ronovanwrites

  3. Loved the picture, all the poetry and words in between. When you wrote, ‘. . . creativity isn’t all about bright colours and beauty is it.’ I was convinced––you are brilliant!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love the poem & the castle. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Wednesday Walk-Along around Bodiam Castle | Wild Daffodil

  6. That’s so cool you went to Bodiam Castle! I love castles, and the mystery and beauty that surrounds them.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. What a perfect choice Sandra. I love all your poems, both Haiku are fabulous. I love how you used the word pitch in the first one. Reminds me of climbing conifers as a child back in Maine and coming home with pitch on my hands. And ironically enough, we played (and climbed) in an area called ‘the middle’ being that our houses surrounded it like a huge horseshoe. Great memories!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Melissa, love the links you made, thanks for sharing those sweet memories – isn’t it wonderful how both the Haiku and Photo challenges bring forth all sorts of things for us to share and connect with. Hope your week is going well.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Perfect. I love poetry. Carol Ann Duffy has been choosing a poem a day which appears in the Guardian as part of the campaign to “Keep it in the ground” and reading and enjoying her choices as well as your poems and Cathy’s over at Rambling in the garden has inspired me to write a poem and I haven’t written poetry for nearly 40 years. Isn’t Blogland wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sarah, that is such fabulous news!!!! Yes blogland is the best!!!! I don’t know about you, but I just don’t have a creative hinterland of friends in my locality so to have these interactions through blogging is just wonderful. I’m so proud to be a tiny part of your foray into poetry again, I love your stormy poem and look forward to reading more if they spring forth! xx


  9. That picture of Bodiam Castle was lovely, and I loved both the Haiku that you wrote, especially the 2nd one 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Awesome how you combined all these together. And now, I will be adding Bodiam Castle to my list of things to do when I get back over there. Great poetry, all.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Annette Rochelle Aben

    Awesome! I so appreciate your talent

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Pingback: Photo Challenge- Middle | nanacathydotcom

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