

Space without a sound

Staggering around alone

All is empty here



Joining in with Bluedaisyz Weekly Photo Challenge: EMPTY

And Ronovan’s Weekly Haiku Challenge: STAG and NOISE

Crumbs I found both challenges this week, well, challenging!

Because Bluedaisy has given us all 52 weeks of words already, which I really like, I usually get the photo lined up and then fit the haiku to the picture. So when STAG came out as one of the Haiku prompt words – YIKES!

So after a brain-aching half an hour of counting syllables I have used a little poetic licence – hope you like it. The two sentences work like this:

space without a sound, staggering around alone

staggering around alone, all is empty here


The way the Haiku turned out reminds me of when I was ill for all that time with the dratted virus – fortunately I’m back to full energy levels now.

Next week the photo prompt is NUMBERS, perhaps I will wait for the Haiku words and get the picture to fit the Haiku prompt for a change, that might be easier. Now I need a coffee!

14 responses to “Empty

  1. A brilliant haiku! Very poignant.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: RonovanWrites #Haiku #Poetry Challenge #Review 63 | ronovanwrites

  3. Love the black and white pic this week Sandra. Very clever combo with the Haiku. ‘Space without a sound’, I can almost hear it, not.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Melissa, it was a struggle this week to get the two challenges to work together, and I have used Stag and Noise as inspiration rather than the actual words. I wonder what our Haikumeister will make of that!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I noticed that. It works though. I am still working on mine, but so happy to be back. Ten more days and I am done full time working, will be much more present here with writing friends and my family. I WILL be celebrating!!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. That is really clever Daffy 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Photo Challenge- Empty | nanacathydotcom

  6. That is really poignant. I don’t really understand how these haikus work, but I love this one. It makes me think of how I felt when my last son left home, the awful quiet, emptiness and space. Really well done.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That this haiku strikes a cord with you means a lot to me. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts about it and what it means to you. Your comment reminds me of how I felt when I was first divorced and the children went to their Dad’s house for the weekend – those transitions from the lively company of children to a quiet house were difficult for many years.
      If you would like to know more about how the Haiku challenge works or how to write a Haiku, click on the link to Ronovan’s site – he explains all!
      Thank you Cathy. ❤


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