Vase on Monday – Chives and marigolds

Celebrating the chive flower as it bursts through its papery/silky budDSC_0674

joining Cee’s Flower of the Day

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and Cathy’s ‘In a Vase on Monday’, with lavender, purple toadflax which is giving the bees a lovely October feast, gaura, marigolds, and chives.

A chirpy bunch in a charity shop vase – just love its bright colours.

Sitting happily next to last week’s vase, still going strong.DSC_0639

I couldn’t resist sharing with you how my houseplants are looking at the moment. I took the photo below just before removing them all from around the woodburner, as I am thinking a fire will probably be needed this week.

The orchids are nearly all rescue plants from friends who were about to throw them out after flowering or those being sold off for £3-5 at the garden centre. The tall plant in the blue pot on the right has grown from a pip out of a custard apple, which is native to Australia – not sure how that will turn out! And most of the others have been grown from cuttings.

I used to be so terrible at keeping houseplants, so I’m very proud of these – now to find them new places for them around the house.

I’ve also enjoyed a row of pink pelargoniums (geraniums) acting as a welcome committee – they look so perky and can be seen at the dining room window greeting anyone walking up the drive. They were ones I just did not get round to planting in the garden, and I think I’m going to leave them there to see how they do over the winter.DSC_0642 (1)

Do you have a favourite houseplant?

32 responses to “Vase on Monday – Chives and marigolds

  1. What a lovely array of houseplants you have!! I tend to avoid indoor plants as I have so much to look after outdoors but I am thinking about bringing a few of my scented leaf geraniums inside to make sure they survive the winter. I loved your vase today.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s nice and bright and cheerful! I am not terribly good with houseplants, but do like to grow Amaryllis in winter… just planted two this week. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your house plants look fantastic grouped together and I’m sure one of the reasons they are thriving is because you have created a little micro climate. Your colourful charity shop vase and its contents is a treat and the pink pelargoniums a delight too. I took some cuttings from P. Rose of Attar earlier this year and since bringing them indoors they have doubled in size. The leaves smell of Turkish Delight and I’m looking forward to making tea with them soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love the Pelargoniums in the window! I have fewer houseplants than I used to but still quite a collection. However, few of mine flower. The exception are my Shooting Star Hoya and Miltassia shelob ‘Tolkein’, both of which have shown themselves to be reliable bloomers despite long bouts of benign neglect (or perhaps because of it!).

    Liked by 1 person

    • I had to look up Hoyas and Miltassia – both so beautiful. Not many places seem to sell them here in the UK. I’m going to be on the look out for them both now though. I love your post especially the succulents – I seem to have trouble leaving comments on Blogspot – don’t know if it’s WordPress or Blogspot that causes the problem. Thanks so much for dropping by.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh I love the vase for this week Daffy, and the flowers you have chosen.Cheery and bright. You are doing so well with your houseplants too in their snazzy plant pots! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Quite a collection you have now. The only plants I have in the house are over wintered succulents, I love them, they remind me of happy holidays.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. These are such beautiful photos.

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  8. Those purple flowers look so well in your vase, Hannah!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I love seeing chive flowers again…I miss them. They are perfect in that gorgeous vase. I love my peace lily but now I have many plants brought in for winter so I think some of the coleus I brought in is my favorite along with the pelargoniums.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Coleus – my Mum did not have many houseplants but she did have coleus – they seemed very exotic to me as a child – and the magic of growing from leaf cuttings – thanks for reminding me!


  10. A live one! I am hopeless at house plants! Love that colourful vase of flowers.

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  11. The chive picture is such a great photo – and we easily overlook its simple beauty, don’t we? It is such a good addition to a vase and your marigolds and the other purples look so cheerful in your bright vase. I used to have a houseful of plants before I took an interest in outdoor decorative plants, but once the outdoor gardening bug really took hold any houseplants got neglected and it is too risky to take any board these days – although I am still nurturing an orchid Younger Daughter gave me for Mothers’ Day 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  12. The chives make an attractive feature for your colorful vase. Beautiful houseplants too. My plants have a better chance outdoors in the garden.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Chive flowers are great, a lovely colour, and so attractive to bees etc. Your house plants look well looked after. I have a few and sometimes they are in the conservatory, sometimes go outside, and sometimes are in the house depending on the time of year. You have given me an idea for a post in the next couple of weeks…thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. You are obviously good with plants. I’ve virtually given up with real plants I am so bad. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • I absolutely know the feeling! I used to have a few bedraggled sick things hanging around looking pathetic. I think living in a house with plenty of natural light helps and I have got into the habit of watering (with rainwater) and feeding them (with tomato fertiliser) every Saturday morning, which is when I also clip and repot if necessary – if I can do it, you can!


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