Silly Saturday: Compostable

When I saw the enormous Compost Heap at West Dean, I was reminded of what my son once said:

“You won’t want to be buried, will you Mum, you will want to be composted!”


20 responses to “Silly Saturday: Compostable

  1. Pingback: Silly Saturday: In Clay | Wild Daffodil

  2. I think my comment was lost, but I said how I found this amusing, and was wondering what special plant your son thought would benefit from ‘composted mum’?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Noelle, I have been without my computer for over a month ( very frustrating). Your comment might have gone into junk, that was happening sometimes. I am having to do this on my phone, not easy.
      I will ask my son what plant I could be best used on or under!


  3. There was an interesting article in the Sunday Times a little while ago about composting bodies, but I don’t recall it being readily available. Not surprisingly the Golfer and I want our ashes to be spread on the garden – not sure a future owner would want to accidentally dig up a skeleton or two… My younger sister had made her own shroud and was placed on the bier she already had in readiness, so was buried as much as possible exactly as she would have wished, with a green burial

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh love you in your installation art – thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I have opted for a woodland burial. I just wonder were you very smelly after this and was it hot inside?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Going Batty in Wales

    One way or another we all end up as compost whatever our loved ones do with our remains in between – burried, cremated and buried or scattered we end up in the earth. I just hope someone grows something nice and tasty out of me.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Well, I do. It isn’t legal here… yet. They have allowed it in the US, in carefully controlled circumstances, and I think it’s an excellent idea, but we can’t do it yet. Failing that, I want a cotton shroud (might make that myself) and a recycled cardboard box.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, there are all sorts of green alternatives to think about. Cardboard or basket weave for me I think.


      • Ooh, a nice ‘willow cabin’! Actually, what I’d like is a lovely dramatic pyre, but I don’t want to release too much carbon dioxide at once, so I guess I’ll opt for burial… somehow.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I wouldn’t mind being left in the mountains for the animals to feast on my remains, Native American style, but feeding plants would be another option. My daughter’s father-in-law has been ‘planted’ in the woods on the farm. I would love that, but the law says no more than two bodies are allowed on private land.

          Liked by 1 person

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