Tag Archives: knitted owl

Seahorse Giveaway: The Results


I’m sure you have all been on tenterhooks! Ha!

The winners for the Seahorse Giveaway were drawn on 11:11, sorry to have taken this long to let you know.

I wrote a list of the entrants and gave each one a number

Master R wrote out the numbersdsc_0076

and put them in a little pottery cupcake


painted by Little Miss M



Then Miss E, Master R and Little Miss M each picked a number.dsc_0081

They immediately wanted to know who had won, but I had left the list at home.


Miss E thought there ought to be a prize for the best idea too. They are away at the moment, when they return I’ll ask them to choose what they think are the best ideas and let you know.


Drum Roll please!

and a swim past by the shoal (herd?) of Seahorses …………….

Number 3: 10000hoursleft

Number 8: JPeters from Onto My Next 40 years

Number 13: Judy of Edwina’s Episodes

And for the new Followers, only one entry

The Peelings



And Cathy of Nanacathy, had a cunning plan – she suggested we swap a Tinsel Owl for a Seahorse

Ollie arrived! And immediately made friendsdsc_0007

then this happened!


Hmmm! I’ll have to watch that owl!

I decided 2 seahorses should swim their way ‘up North’ as a swap, and so after a final farewell hug they are now on their waydsc_0003

thank you Cathy for suggesting such a lovely way to exchange handmade gifts.

A huge Thank You to everyone who took part in the Giveaway and contributed so many creative ideas – I love co-creating things so much and hope to put the ideas to good use over the coming months.

It has been fun!

If you are one of the winners please go the the ‘Contact Me’ Page at the top and let me know colour and yarn preference and your postal address and I will be delighted to send the 4 seahorses on their merry way.

For anyone wanting to make a seahorse, the pattern is now available on Ravelry and Etsy.

Joining in with Ginny’s Yarn Along.