Vase on Monday: Ivy and Driftwood


Look at those luscious green-black berries, I felt a bit mean bringing them inside as I am sure they will be a feast for a blackbird if the weather gets colder.4

Last weekend I took Big Bro and Little Bro to Charmouth Beach to collect driftwood after the storms2

The driftwood is the small bits lying in the foreground, plus some jetsam I could not resist. The large pieces of wood behind the vase are glorious tree stumps, from my son-in-law’s farm, yet to be shown off to their best advantage in my garden. They wait next to my high-rise bug-hotel, whilst I try to decide where to put them.3

There is always an horrendous amount of plastic detritus washed up on the beaches, but I find it a fascinating mix of colour and texture with mysterious human backstories DSCF8038 DSCF8039

Turquoise, yellow, black, rusty burnt orange, hints of cobalt blue and all the soft browns and greys of the pebbles – now just imagine a Fair Isle design knitted in those colours it makes me want to rush out and source the wool and get knitting.

And then a different paletteDSCF8042

The main colour a soft turquoise, with deeper turquoise and sky blue, a hint of pink and orange and red, with caramel, stone, white and siamese beige – mmm delicious! Now, I can see that colour mix as a cosy crocheted throw, or maybe a poncho like Lucy’s, with more pale turquoise in it, or like this free patten on Ravelry. And if you prefer to knit, this one looks snuggly.DSCF8046

There were quite a lot of people heading for the rock slide to hunt for fossils, (a bit too dangerous for my liking) whilst I was delving into the piles of rubbish washed up on the beach, but it seems I was not the only one interested ….DSCF8043

….the man on the left is taking photos of rubbish too.

As I was picking through my haul to find some long sticks for the ‘Vase’ today, DSC_0066I just could not help having a play aroundDSC_0070

I spent rather too long dong this…….. so there are more such scenes to show you another day.DSC_0116

I popped the vase amongst the house plants, next to my houseplant of the week:

Meet little Myfanwy, a rather beautiful Streptocarpus.DSC_0111

Grown from a leaf cutting, this is her first flower. I’m very fond of her as Myfanwy is what my Mum wanted to call me, and it is also the title a delightfully haunting Welsh song


Linking in with Cee’s flower of the Day

Cathy’s Vase on Monday

Today’s flowers

Macro Monday

30 responses to “Vase on Monday: Ivy and Driftwood

  1. What a pretty Streptocarpus. And a lovely vase too. But the best is your collage from the bits and pieces washed up on the beach. I could also imagine a lovely crochet project in those soft shades of blue and turquoise… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Absolutely love each and every photo. Thank you so much for sharing them with Today’s Flowers, and I wish you a very happy week.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Serious creativity at work here, love the post and those berries are wonderful.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lovely photos.
    Very organic feel to them.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Lovely photos ~ an inspiration of colour & textures!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I just heard a report on the news expressing concern about the amount of plastic detritus in our oceans but you managed to make the sea’s flotsam look like art! As to the driftwood, it’s sold here (Southern California) at outrageous prices – you could go into business with your haul.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It was quite shocking to see such a huge amount of plastic and fishing line all tangled up around the driftwood – so much human waste. I just had to turn it into something creative for my mind to cope with it. Large beautiful pieces of driftwood sells for huge prices here too – there was very little of that sort washed up on the beach I was on – still it is always fun looking.


  7. I thought they were blackberries too! Such purple black clusters. Your beach finds picture is fantastic. We used to make things like this and I really should again. And always a delight to see your house plants – no wonder they are thriving.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. All my blooms are indoors now too, but I love that berries highlight today’s vase. Your beach is astounding and the ocean-treasures scene even more so. I find it so easy to get lost in a minature world, don’t you?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. You had a lovely day for your time at the beach; I love how you made even the nasty plastic that gets washed up look interesting and attractive and your picture is amazing, well done!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Christina, so glad you like the driftwood scene, there will be more. But what to do with them? Perhaps that doesn’t matter if they give people pleasure on the blog – it is so lovely being able to share my creative playing around.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Murtagh's Meadow

    Lovely vase – I am so surprised that the blackbirds haven’t feasted on those berries already! Love your drift wood scene too – how creative:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I was surprised to find so many ivy berries untouched. It might be because so many people in our village feed wild birds, so they don’t need the berries. I have seen them feasting in the past though – maybe it has been just too mild for them to need them yet. Glad you liked the driftwood scene – there will be more!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Now that is a stunning vase. I adore the drift wood and those amazing berries….what a structure. And all that rubbish. I love how you look at it and it becomes a creative muse….fascinating. Lovely house plant as well-beautiful flower!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Lovely post all around. The color combos of the beach detritus were fascinating and very inspirational. Your houseplant of the week is beautiful and I impressed that you grew it from a cutting.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Your comment makes me feel very happy, I get inspired by so many posts it is lovely to know that my post can inspire too. I love the magic of growing things from cuttings – it seems so unlikely, so when it works it is exciting.


  13. Haha – I was thinking of calling a first daughter ‘Myfanwy’ but my ex husband was concerned about the spelling, although his mother took a long time to get used to spelling the Welsh name beginning with ‘R’ that she was called instead!!
    I love ivy flowers/berries and driftwood so this was always going to be a winner with me – but don’t they look like blackberries in your photos?! The display in your garden conjures the same otherwordly images as my vase did too, but I also loved how you examined the jetsam as well. Your jetsam picture is absolutely wonderful – I am in awe!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Myfanwy does have a lovely sound to it but you would have had trouble with people finding it hard to know how to spell it I fancy! Mind you my eldest is called Catherine because I thought it was easy to spell (rather than another option I had) but later I realised there are about 10 different ways people can spell it!

    Liked by 1 person

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