End of Month View: May


The fruit cage is nearly up – although the instructions for fixing the door is making my brain ache. You can see how the border looked last month by clicking here.

The loganberry growing up the fence is star of the show


masses of flowers, so hopefully masses of fruit to come


I plonked some strawberries in, not knowing how they would do here in this north facing border, but so far so good. (Aaargh, I’ve just noticed a bit of bindweed peeping through – a constant battle.)DSCF8913


The autumn fruiting raspberries have masses of flowers too – I’m following Cathy’s advice and waiting til they have fruited before cutting them back, I’m loving this method so far!

That is a marjorie’s seedling plum tree to the left of the raspberries, which is fruiting for the first time.

There is a spindly looking blueberry bushDSCF8911

which although has some fruit on it, needs a bit of TLC and some ericaceous compost to cheer it up I think.


And although the area behind the caravan needs a lot of attention I’m pleased with the flowering of the white perennial wallflowers. I grew these from seeds from a friend’s garden and they smell divine in the evening. The honeysuckle grown from a cutting taken from a hedgerow seems to be doing well.

The two thornless blackberries continue to disappoint, but maybe they need to be moved to the South facing side.

The month of May is so full of promise.

Joining in with the End of Month View hosted by Helen, The Patient Gardener which I discovered through Cathy’s blog, Rambling in the Garden.

A border I’m particularly proud of is the one in the front of the house, the planting is very Chelsea! It is mainly self-seeded, take minimum upkeep and has a wildness about it I love. This is where I hope to introduce some more alliums. I’ve struggled to take good enough photos but here are some of my attempts.

The scent of this iris is intoxicatingDSCF8805

I hope you are enjoying some wonderful gardens in your neck of the woods.


26 responses to “End of Month View: May

  1. Pingback: 16 for 2016: June | Wild Daffodil

  2. The fruit cage will be worth it when you have sussed out the door – and got the netting on of course! I keep checking my raspberries and loganberries as the first ripe berries always take me by surprise. Your front garden looks lovely – a mass of colour. Your neighbours must enjoy it too, I guess

    Liked by 1 person

    • The door is up! But I haven’t been able to fit the latch, I think it is the bolt not being quite long enough but it could be me – a piece of wire will do for a while.
      Side netting done – top goes on today. Progress!
      I have won one of my neighbours over with this bed! She kept telling me it would not work, to just scatter seeds willy nilly, and now is reluctantly admiring of it.


  3. Love your iris, we have many blooming now, as well as the roses and peonies just starting as of this week!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Your front border looks gorgeous – sometimes the best things are self-seeding, aren’t they? And that loganberry. I can almost taste the fruit looking at it flowering.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Cathy, I’m really pleased with the front border and think it will look even better with a few more alliums and some orange here and there. I had loads of marigolds last year but where are they this year? They have popped up elsewhere in the garden but not in this border – maybe I’ll add some geums to be sure of the orange, they seem all the rage at the moment. And I usually have the odd foxglove spiking up, but again, none this year.
      The loganberry is definitely full of promise and, even better, it was a gift – the gift that keeps on giving!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Bindweed is a terrible menace isn’t it? I got out my large fork to dig up the tiny sprigs the other day and got out lots of big roots so maybe I will beat it!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Gosh, don’t things come on in leaps and bounds! I was going to give my Loganberry the chop this year but seeing how you have yours I might rethink and give it one more chance. Also, that blueberry. Mine were looking a bit like that and then last year my eyes are so bad I thought I was chopping down a buddleia but it was my blueberry ~ this year it has come back thick and bushy as it should be.
    ~~~Deb xo

    Liked by 1 person

  7. We only have an apple tree, elder bush and thornless blackberries which, incidentally, do extremely well on their south facing fence. We only cut back the branches that have already produced fruit at the end of the season, leaving all other branches for next year’s fruit. I’d love to have raspberry canes again, and maybe strawberries, but those hens……

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for the info re the blackberries, I will give them one more year where they are and then I’ll try them on the south facing side if they haven’t improved. If I could only have one fruit plant it would be Autumn fruiting raspberries – they are such great croppers!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: 16 for 2016: May | Wild Daffodil

  9. Looking very good. Our first iris this year has just appeared! Such lovely flowers.

    Liked by 1 person

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