Up, Up and Away

themed bedroom

I had to nip away for an overnight stay in central London this week. I Googled ‘quirky, arty, hotels’ and up came the Pavillion Hotel on the Time Out site.

Just click on the link to see all the amazingly themed rooms, and crazy decor. Someone must have had such fun putting it all together. I would love to know the history of the person and the place, but couldn’t find anything. My bedroom was called ‘Up, Up and Away’.

themed bedroom decor, hot air balloon

Sadly I can’t recommend the ‘Hotel’, it has definitely seen better days. It is in a slightly dodgy area, there is a surly, bored person manning the desk, no resturant and this was my so called continental breakfast left outside my room in the morning.Yuck




Weetabix on the Go – euuuurrrrgghhhhhh! Who knew that even existed! Yuck!


But I did enjoy the decor and the quirky bits and peiceshot air balloon

The Hotel was quite close to Hyde Park, so before it got dark I had a brisk walk to Marble Arch where there is a strangely wild sculpture,

Danse Gwenedour

by British Sculptor Bushra Fakhoury

Danse Gwenedour by Bushra Fakhour

which was unveiled in March 2017.

There is always something arty to see in London, no matter how fleeting the visit. After a quick whizz round a bit of Hyde Park, which was looking rather bleak on a cold drizzly January afternoon, I found an oasis of a health food shop to pick up something for supper. Then back to my hotel as I did not want to be wandering those particualr streets after dark.

A nice cosy evening of knitting, reading and a bit of TV followed – always particularly relaxing away from home.

28 responses to “Up, Up and Away

  1. Hotel certainly is quirky, as someone mentione before it is like Adam’s family home.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. If I ever visit England, I’ll have to ask where I should never go and where I can go. Love the rooms! So cute!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That breakfast doesn’t look appealing! Sarah x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What a shame that a lovely, quirky room was spoiled by surly staff and a, frankly, rubbish breakfast offering.All that sugar first thing is a revolting prospect!!! Love the sculpture though.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. That room is amazing! How fun to stay in such a unique atmosphere. I have no clue what weetabix is, but it sounds gross! Lol!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Well you wanted quirky and arty and you certainly got it, even the breakfast, or maybe that should have been described as basic. As long as it was clean and warm.
    Think you should be grateful you didn’t meet the proprietors, they might have been part of the Adams family.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Interesting what they call a continental breakfast!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Ah, sometimes quick trips out have an odd touch of the bizarre and surreal to them – though there’s usually something to be gleaned from that too – even if it is just the duality of life! I’m wondering if the area was always dodgy or was it once perhaps a more arty part of London?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. What a strange breakfast. Sorry the hotel was disappointing, otherwise it looked quite fascinating. Just the sort of place I can see you enjoying.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Laurie Graves

    Wow! I thought the sculpture was fascinating. Elven princes whirling in a mad dance.They do have a slightly menacing look. The room was wild. Too bad about the service and the location.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. 😳 I’m certain this was my reaction to the statue and to breakfast! I loved that crazy room, too bad the hospitality got left at home while you were there, but as usual, you made a grand time of it.😍

    Liked by 1 person

  12. That statue! I can’t decide if I love it or find it totally creepy! The hotel is intriguing–too bad the current owners aren’t living up to its potential.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree with you about the statue and the same could be said of the ‘hotel’!!!!
      In fact there was a slightly bizarre essence to my whole trip!!!
      I love the joyful exuberance of the statue but the characters are like something out of a nightmare!


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