Crochet and Harbour Delights

On Sunday morning a group of us met at the The Dry Dock, in Weymouth, Dorset (UK) for some crochet and a natter.

The Dry Dock is a friendly cafe, bar and community hub selling non-alcoholic drinks as well as hot drinks and cakes.

The group is Friends of Attic24 Dorset set up for people who live in Dorset, who follow Attic24 designs and blog.

I parked about a mile away from the venue (anything to avoid parking fees!) and walked to the cafe past Weymouth Harbour.

Always such a lovely atmosphere, and even some yarn bombing

And oh! Rust!

Like a sculpture, crochet hook for scale

Does anyone else get a thrill when they see rust? My family think I’m crazy, but I’m sure there are other fellow rustophiles out there.

10 responses to “Crochet and Harbour Delights

  1. looks sweet and delightful – and yarn bombing even better – oops that’s not right – Even Better your crochet 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is always great to read the enthusiam and inspiration in your posts, Sandra!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Going Batty in Wales

    Rust can add real character to objects but I find it annoying on tools! The yarn bombing looks amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. “Yarn bombing” at the harbor was awesome and made me smile! The pieces look like quite a bit of work! I think rust can be beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You’re not alone/weird, I love a bit of rust too.

    I just read something on FB about the ridiculous parking fees in Dorset. It’s a shame as there are places I’d like to go to more often but put off by both the lack of parking and the price of it when you find it. Somerset is cheaper and luckily we’re on the border.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, the councils are trying to get money where they can aren’t they – another tax in effect. I always look on Google maps to find somewhere about a mile from the car parks and walk in when I can.

      Good for my step count! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  6. That yarn bombing is great! Have never seen any here. As for rust, I do like it and all my plant supports are rusty. And I just planted up a rusted bowl with plants. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

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