Tag Archives: beach mandala

Photo Challenge: Winter Review


Taken on the Isle of Skye in 2006, it is the photo that starts the Youtube clip at the end of the post.

So exciting to put this fabulous collection together – Winter photos with stories (and Haikus) to go with them:

Rainbow Jane: tracery and reflections

NanaCathy: powerful, with poetry

Melissaswan lake and more than one haiku

Me: nature’s glitter, with haiku.

Rosalind: Mediterranean Winter

RozGypsy Caravan in gorgeous setting and haiku

Cathy: beauty caught before it disappeared, with haiku.

Denis: Australian saunter with haiku

Jen: elegant birch

Ali at Thimberlina: joy and munching

Christina at ALookattheLittlethings: good neighbours

Dorris: the glisten of morning sunlight


12 great entries, with 4 of us also linking in Ronovan’s Haiku Challenge

Thank you so much everyone for joining in and making this such a fun thing to do – if I have missed anyone please shout out!


Appropriately we have had a wonderful week of Winterwatch on the BBC

which you can still catch on iPlayer, just click on the link above.


I have been having a tidy up on the computer and came across this little slideshow of a beach mandala, gently transformed by the tide, that I made on the Isle of Skye about 10 years ago, a very timely find – hope you enjoy it.

A possible answer


Seen on the Painting Experience’s Facebook Pageart

So that’s why I feel the need to put petals on twigs ……. and other stuff like this ringstead

and thisDSCF5677