A Vase on Monday – Magenta

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Lynchis coronaria, grown from seed collected from a neighbour’s garden, sitting in a Staffordshire pottery jug that was once part of a washstand set.

I just love the shape of this voluptuous jug and how the light catches the ripples. I bought it at an auction about 40 years ago. I got married in 1972 and we had very little money for furniture so I went to auctions and picked up chairs for £1 and our first TV for £2. I used to buy job lots of various things for £1 and this jug was in one of those job lots with the other bits and pieces of the washstand set.lynchis

It sits on a Laura Ashley tablecloth bought as a second from Laura Ashley in Bath at about the same time. The cloth is huge and has been used on tables groaning with food for many large family gatherings over the years.

oooo! that colour!

I swear magenta and turquoise cause a rush of endorphins every time I look at them! And these flowers just sing out in the garden as if they have lights inside them.lynchiss

I’m also joining in with Cee’s Flower of the Day

DSC_0580The vase is photographed in front of my newly painted north facing garage wall – what a job that was! DSC_0579It took days to cover all the nooks and crannies but well worth it as it now reflects light back into the house. And will be a better backdrop for the painted pots.

(I was going to paint the opposite south facing wall of the bungalow too, but I can’t face it! It would take me weeks and is a horrid job.)DSC_0622

The large plastic pot (75ltr) 65cm diameter, on the left has been painted with turquoise eggshell paint, after a coat of universal primer and I have repotted a seedling clerodendrum, from its 50cm pot.DSC_0642

It is surrounded by lynchis, which looked a bit bedraggled after repotting, so I cut them back and hey presto! I had my flowers for the ‘Vase on Monday’.

I don’t know if this shrub will grow large enough in a pot to flower and produce its extraordinary fruits, but I am going to try. I think it might grow too big for the garden if I planted it out, its parent was huge! But of course I could not resist the gift of this seedling with a colour combo like this!clerodendron1024I am also not sure how the paint will last on the plastic pots – another experiment. I’ll keep you posted. It lasts very well on the terracotta pots.

‘In a Vase on Monday’ is wonderfully hosted by Cathy, and there are some beautiful vases to be seen from all over the world if you pop on over to Rambling in the Garden for a peek.

The most exciting idea so far: from Susie at pbm garden

43 responses to “A Vase on Monday – Magenta

  1. Pingback: Photo Challenge: Yellow | Wild Daffodil

  2. A.PROMPTreply

    God, what gorgeous, eye-popping colours! I keep going back over and over each pic…….just lovely!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This vase is lovely – I love the jug – and I’ve got a similar campion growing in my garden too. It’s a good idea to paint the wall to reflect the light… I must get round to painting some of my manky pots too… I’ve never done that will have to have a go…

    here’s my vase – it’s oranges and yellows even though most of the flowers in the garden are pinks, purples and crimsons at at the moment – Hope you like it 🙂

    In a vase on Monday – Oranges and lemons – anyone for tennis?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Bec for your lovely comments. I’ve been washing a few old weather-beaten, and yes decidedly manky plastic pots, in order to paint them. I’m going to try an eggshell finish straight onto the pot with no primer this time (I’ve used all the primer I had) and see how that fares. Actually I’m going for orange! so I’m right in tune with your lovely abundant arrangement – gorgeous colours.


  4. That is a perfect vase and photo, I’m going to look for some of that seed now that I have seen yours. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ooh, how lovely! This is sooo effective! I have loads of Lychnis and never thought to cut it! Putting it into a white vase makes it pop even more. I love your colourful pots too, and that wall does look good in white – great idea to create more light.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ooh, LOVE the simplicity of your arrangement this week. Magenta Lychnis is one of my favs. Your choice of vase is perfect to compliment the color and hurrah to you for dealing with that wall – brave you!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love the display of one flower against the white of the jug and wall…a most stunning magenta!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Such a great pop of colour and I love the white background – it may have been hard work but I think it as worth it – what a fantastic photographic background you have now!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are so right! I was thinking much the same myself – it is hard for me to find an uncluttered backdrop – I’ll have to keep a bit of this wall-space clear for the purpose.


  9. Perfect match – the flowers and the vase! I have to plant magenta Lynchis in my garden, too, it is so beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Lovely simplicity! Old china is wonderful for flowers 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. That is indeed a gorgeous gorgeous colour – I have one in a very wishy washy salmon colour that doesn’t really merit a place in the garden at all. And your lovely painted pots again….hmm, if I am going to keep some of my dahlias in pots over the summer I think they need to be in bright pots like these… Thanks for sharing all your bright ideas!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Just let me know if you would like some seeds. I’m so amazed at the intensity of that colour. I haven’t grown dahlias for years, they seemed a bit too high maintenance – but growing in pots – there’s a thought – I might try that.
      It is so wonderful to have this outlet to share some of my ideas – your response so enriches the experience. 🙂


      • Oh yes, why not – I will email you my address, thank you. I used to feel that way about dahlias and have tinkered with them the last couple of years, but it looks as if I shall finally have some success this time round.

        Liked by 1 person

  12. A gorgeous colourful composition. And really nice using things that have been part of the household for a long time isn’t it? I love your curvy tactile jug.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. The jug and the tablecloth ground the bright Lynchis perfectly. congratulations upon finishing that paint job too!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Kris, I am pleased how the colours went together, so glad you like the combo too. And thanks for the congrats – I thought I would never get to the end of that wall!


  14. The Magenta Lychnis are amazing, I’ve always loved them but can’t get hold of them. I do have the white ones though so that’s better than nothing xx

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Your flowers really pop with that white background. Wonderful post. thanks for linking to me. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  16. You are so good at arranging beautiful flowers in unusual vases. The colour of these flowers is stunning, The newly painted white wall. the Laura Ashley tablecloth, and the sexy, curvy jug set them off perfectly!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Your appreciation of my efforts makes me so happy!
      When my home was bustling with children and house guests I always had vases of flowers around, but living on my own now (though mostly I love it!) means I had got out of the habit of filling vases from the garden. Now I can share them with my virtual blogland house guests! Fabulous!
      And they are also much appreciated by friends who pop round – I love that blogging has kick-started this habit again.
      I’m sure that curvy jug, will sashay its way into the limelight again one day soon.

      Liked by 1 person

  17. What a great strong colour it is. I am off to take a look at some more of the vases on Cathy’s site.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. How pretty! Lynchis is one of my favorites and the magenta has such energy. Great container. Susie

    Liked by 1 person

  19. I’ve always liked the look of those magenta flowers and the magenta is set off very nicely by all that white. You do have some interesting vases!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. I’m so glad you find them interesting, that is lovely to know. This meme has really made me look around the house and consider all sorts of objects as potential vases. It is fun dusting them off and sharing them once more.

      Liked by 1 person

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