Snow, Ice and Guinness

Last weekend I went to Branscombe, Devon for a ‘Walk of Life’ workshop.


The Beast from the East was foretold and this Beast would clash with Storm Emma and cause all sorts of dire conditions

I wondered if the workshop would still take place, but Helen seemed very determined that it would go ahead so I decided to go a day early to get there before the worst of the weather was due to descend upon us.

I got there just in time, as just a couple of hours after I was cosily ensconced in Nestlecombe, the walk across the road to the Masons ArmsMasons Arms Branscombe was getting icy and the village was soon to be cut off for all except farm vehicles.

In the pub I found a log fire, a warm welcome and a handsome young French bartender. I ordered mushroom soup and Guinness… I do love a draught Guinness.pubGIn his strong French accent, the bartender asked me what I was doing in Branscombe.

“I’m here for a dance workshop on the beach,” says I

“I was not expecting that!” he said, we laughed!

After lunch, while the storm raged and the snow fell, I was snug back in my holiday let, happily watching ‘Shetland’ on iPlayer and doing some more of my Jurassic Coast blanket.crochet and laptop

This is currently my go to project when I just want to do rows and not have to think too much about the pattern. Easy to do in front of the TV.

I laid it on the bed to see how it was coming alongjurassic coast blanket in progress

Just coming up to half way.coastal colours, linen stitch

Keeping to coastal colours in Stylecraft Special DK, 4.5mm hook and in Extended Moss Stitch, which I think is also called Linen Stitch.

The view from the bedroom window


After the snow came the freezing rain and on Friday walking anywhere was lethal – lethal but beautiful icicles

so I just had to get out there with the camera – luckily I had my walking stick and Snow Grips with me. I’ve had them for years and never used them before.


There was a crust of ice over everything

ice and snow

which made a wonderful crunchy sound as you made your way across it

I have never seen the effects of freezing rain beforeicicles on creeper

this whole tree was encased in iceice tree

The photos don’t really do it justice as the light was so low

freezing rain

the effect was spectacular

iced fir

iced tree

I thought the pub sign had a touch of ‘Daphne du Maurier’ about it.

pub sign

and in the fieldsice on wire, freezing rain

so much beauty to be found

even the catkins were frozeniced catkins

more icy photos to come …….

Click on any photo to see it larger.

(PS. I was the only one who turned up for the Workshop! Wimps! Ha!)

Now I’m going to pop over to Cathy’s for a good ol’ Knit and Natter Friday

46 responses to “Snow, Ice and Guinness

  1. A great experience and wonderful photos. As expected, you still made the most of your weekend 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your pictures are amazing! Funnily enough our friends took us on a walk in the hills around Branscombe , we had thick fog and rain so a visit to the Mason’s Arms was always welcome after our trek! Sarah c

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So lucky to getoout and see all those wonderful things. Really enjoying looking at your photographs.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The Guinness looks good

    Liked by 1 person

  5. We heard about your storm even down here – it must have been very cold and kudos to you for getting yourself there in good time – even if you were the only attendee….. Wimps indeed! I have ‘ice crackers’ for my walking boots and wear them several times every winter when we have heavy frosts that leave the ground dangerously icy. (I didn’t need them last winter though as it was so mild.) I think I’m getting too old to spend any more time upside down on the icy ground, so I am prepared to take extra precautions! I hear tell we are in for our third cyclone this summer in a couple of days, in a country that had about three cyclones last century. And then last night I read that an ‘out of control’ Chinese space station is due to crash to earth soon, possibly on us. It’s all go here in the far south 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Crumbs!!! It sounds a bit scary down there! I’m amazed you heard about our storm – the media do like to go to town on these things sometimes don’t they. I love the sound of ice-crackers! I’m with you on being very careful nowadays – there is only me to take care of me, so I’d best do it well!!
      I am so enjoying seeing your blog posts about your lovely bloggers reunion – thanks for sharing – such a happy band of bloggers, and you are doing such amazing things, it is wonderful to be a fly-on-the-wall.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Nature gives so much beauty…even when we humans can find it difficult, we can open our eyes, or camera to see. Lovely photographs of icycles. Will there be crocheted fossils on that blanket?


  7. What a lovely time you had being safe in the midst of snow & ice! So rewarding to make it safely, venture cross the road to a warm pub, and top it off with cosy needlework in front of a Shetland episode. Ah! The pleasures of life don’t get much better, unless there’s magical photogenic ice everywhere. Thanks for sharing! xx

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Those pics are amazing! I have never seen anything like it!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Ice storms are beautiful, especially if the timing is right and the ice isn’t too heavy. This seems to be a perfect example, all the beauty without the destruction! What a great adventure!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Laurie Graves

    P.S. to those not used to dealing with snowstorms that might cripple transportation: If a storm like this is forecasted again, stock up ahead of time, not only with food but with meds too, if you take them. In Maine, it’s something we do on a routine basis. In fact, we always have a good supply of canned food—baked beans, soup—as well as crackers and peanut butter.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Laurie Graves

    I am very familiar with ice storms, and unlike many other storms, they leave beauty as well as destruction in their wake. Sounds like you had a cozy time, even if the workshop didn’t work out. Glad you had those grippers!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I hate freezing rain but it does produce magical results, for picture-taking purposes! You got some wonderful shots!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I sincerely hope the workshop went ahead with just you there. Your pictures are lovely. I have never seen frozen rain it looks incredible.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, Helen did offer me a personal session in the Village Hall, but I couldn’t quite persuade myself to go for that – prancing around on my own did not appeal.
      The freezing rain was something to behold, I’ve never seen it before either. I’ve seen icicles of course but not in my bit of Dorset since 1978!


  14. Lisa at Greenbow

    Ice is beautiful but oh so dangerous. It is good that you have ice grips. We use ours several times per winter. They make walking the dog in the snow and ice much easier. Your new blanket looks gorgeous. I hope you enjoyed your holiday despite the ice.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m always very careful in the ice – a friend of mine broke both wrists one year, falling just outside her house – horrible.
      I did have a wonderful time – there is such a warm sense of camaraderie in a village cut off by the snow.
      Stay safe with your pooch Lisa.


  15. Murtagh's Meadow

    Those icicles are amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve never seen icicles like that before in this part of the world and I remember the snows of 1963! It really was somehting to see – I’m so glad I was in such a beautiful place to experience it all.

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Did you get to dance on the beach?

    Liked by 1 person

  17. What a great experience – all the good things about weather like that! We didn’t get any snow where I am in Wales!

    Liked by 1 person

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