Textiles: Collage Squares

Yet another Scrap Happy post!

Making fabric collage squares for the Twinchie projects was such a fun way to upcycle some of my fabric scraps, I carried on making them

The first ones were 10″ squares, but I realised that 12 ” squares are much more versatile

You can divide them into 2″, 3″, 4″ or 6″ squares.

The squares actually measure 13″ to allow for the squares to be cut just slightly over the these measurements to allow for a little bit of trimming if necessary.

They can also be divided into different sized rectangles or strips

I love making these, even though they take longer than you’d think to get the placement satisfactory. When I have a pile of about 50 I might put some in my Etsy shop just to see if anyone would want to buy them as starting points for their own projects.

If you fancy one – just send me a message via the Contact Me page.

Once all of the Twinchies are back and I have completed a piece of textile art with them, the plan is for these squares to be used in more collaborative textile art projects. Watch this space!

PS. For WordPress users – is the new format driving you crazy? Arrgghhhh!

36 responses to “Textiles: Collage Squares

  1. definitely looks like fun – using up scraps – but then finding that you’ve never actually used them all up!

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  2. Going Batty in Wales

    Lovely squares! I too like making blocks with odds and ends and I am not too fussy about accurate cutting – I appreciate the workmanship of others but it just isn’t my style.

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  3. i love the effect when random fabrics are put together. on my second quilt which is made from scraps randomly put together and no blocks or even strips.

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  4. Step backwards or not, if we like using the WP Admin editing then that’s fine – I have continued using this through at least 2 formatting changes with no problems

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You’ll get used to the new format in a few weeks!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Love your twelvinchies! WP haven’t yet inflicted a compulsory new editor on me, or maybe it’s just that I’ve always used the classic version via WP Admin and not the Write button in the top bar. I think the trouble is that the whole system is geared around paying customers who want commercial sites which are quick and easy to operate along template lines, rather than ‘hobby’ bloggers like us, who want flexibility, reliability and enjoyability!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes! I think you are right.
      Then they should have a two tier system.


      • I must say, I tremble to think what I’ll do if/when the ‘new, improved’ version becomes compulsory. Will I even be able to get my brain around it? Why can’t they leave us alone and make it optional? It’s not as if we hobby bloggers make huge demands on the system. I’ve been blogging for years and years and I still haven’t used up my original data allowance, despite posting pretty frequently. I suppose one of these days I’ll have to switch over to a paying plan so I can access more space.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Hello – I’m new here, but have been enjoying myself this afternoon, going back a wee way and reading posts forward.

    Your Twinchies have inspired me and I think I’m going to have to try those myself. Once I’ve got the hang of it, I might just ask to be included in one of the Twinchie Groups.

    As for this@ “PS. For WordPress users – is the new format driving you crazy? Arrgghhhh!”
    Yes! Totally! Abso-bloomin-lutely!
    I have a saying: If it aint broke, don’t fix it!
    I wish WordPress would read that and inwardly digest.

    I have a WordPress Blog, and would love to invite you, and other readers,to come for a visit.
    I’m ‘fairly’ new to Textile art, and have just posted (yesterday) my first piece I made some weeks ago. I love it if you had time to visit. https://thecobweboriumemporium.wordpress.com/

    I’ve loved your blog so much, WD, that I’ve clicked to follow, so that I don’t miss anything.
    (Oh … and I’m a Dorset gal too! Moved her to be near family, almost 10 years ago)
    Wishing you a blessed day ~ Cobs. x

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have only just found this comment in Spam – sorry about that. I am glad to know you have been inspired by the Twinchies – to inspire is one of the great joys of blogging. So glad to know you have enjoyed looking through my blog and of course you are so very welcome as a follower. Another Dorset blogger! Hurray!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes – it would seem that ALL my comments made on ANY WordPress blog is going directly to ‘spam’ folders, so you’re not alone Wild Daffodil. (I bet this reply goes straight to your Spam folder too – sigh)

        I contacted the WordPress help staff, and they’ve pushed me to contact akismet – who apparently are the people I need to ask for help. So I’ve done that, and am now just waiting to see what happens next.

        I totally agree with you, and other comments here, about the new Editor WordPress rubbish, and have spoken about it on my own blog. So far I haven’t come across ANYONE who likes the new system.
        Wordpress really should listen to its users and take note. They need to step back and re-assess. People don’t like what they’ve foisted upon us, and it’s full of stupidity and feels like it’s been coded by the junior member of the office. Changes should make things easier – not be filled with a hundred clicks to make something work, where previously we only made one or two clicks to do the exact same action.

        Aw … I shall clamber down off my soap box and put it away.
        Have a blessed day, Wild Daffodil. ~ Cobs. x

        Liked by 1 person

  8. No idea about a ‘new’ WordPress. I seem to have about three different versions depending on if I’m on Mac, iPad or App anyway. No consistency to any of them and I have to stagger my way back to one I can work with. But then I’ve only been on WP about a year with my Blog. Still better than Blogger by far!!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. So far, I haven’t had to deal with the changes. For reasons unknown to me, I have not had to use block editor. But I am waiting…Those squares are fun, and I, too, especially like the blue.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I like your fabric squares. Would look nice framed for the walls. As to the changes to Word Press, the jury is still out. Some changes I can handle, but right now too much change going on around me. Don’t like it.

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  11. Some Maths! We should have used 12 as a base for numbers rather 10 so much more versatile 🙂 You do have a lot of different fabrics, really pretty squares.
    As to WordPress: I still use the old editor but I hate that when I try to ‘like’ a post from a person’s blog I can’t and have to go back to the copy in the Reader. It’s like WordPress are pushing you to read posts in the boring Reader with all that white down either side. So what is the point then of having a theme and your own set-up!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. I love your twinchies- ideal for fabric boxes! I’m still on the old wordpress- only a matter of time and I hate the new facebook.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. These are a lot of fun and I particularly like those lovely blues. I am slowly getting my head around the new WordPress editor… I think it’s actually better for doing website pages but for blog posts it’s a pain and I really hate how the images will look centred on the post while editing but that doesn’t mean you’ve actually but the centre commands on… It also seems very laggy and unresponsive sometimes… I’m trying not to be the ‘I hate any change!!!!’ person but it is driving me a little mad…

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m with you there! I like to get into new technology – but every time changes are made I seem to lose things I enjoyed doing – which does not seem like progress to me!
      I agree – right now – it’s a PAIN!

      Liked by 1 person

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