Tag Archives: busking



DSC_0301polished by footsteps

of children walking in socks 

every day shine


Week 10 of our One-a-Week Photo Challenge: FLOOR

Ronovan’s weekly Haiku Challenge prompts: KING and DAY

I went to stay with my son and his family in London recently and this is the floor in the hall of their 1950s house – I just love it.

It was such a beautiful sunny Spring day when I arrived at Waterloo so I wandered along the South Bank, one of my favourite walks, there are always fascinating things going on. The tide was high so no beach-combing on this trip. Walking past the Tate Modern towards Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre I came across a poet with a Magic Carpet of poetry



After looking through the titles on the envelopes I chose ‘Butterfly Rhapsody’, which he has in his hand.DSC_0239

He knew all his poems by heart and gave me a rendition of Butterfly Rhapsody – I was entranced – such energy and emotion, so I gave him a donation and have the poem, which I shall put in the textile book I am making for Little Miss M as she loves butterflies. Even though last year she asked her Mum if she could have a butterfly, her Mum asked her if she wanted it as a pet and she said “No, to eat it!”

Well we do put flowers on salads so when you are three ………..

I wish I could tell you the poet’s name but although he signed his work, I can only read his first name – Joseph. I also gave him a Love Rock. Here he is giving another poetic performance.DSC_0238

I wandered on over the Wobbly Bridge and west along the embankment which was bathed in sunshine. It must be a fabulous place to sit in the summer when the lavender bushes are in flower. The walk took me through Victoria Embankment Gardens where mimosa was in full bloomDSC_0242 (1)


and this delicately scented viburnum which was growing in a huge pot.


walking in sunshine

golden lights on a spring day

making my heart sing


The walk from the Wobbly Bridge to my son’s office took just over an hour and a half, giving me another walk to chalk up towards my 17 for 2017. Loved it!


Cathy and I have created the One-a-Week Photo list. To enter just leave a link in the comments, we’d love to see what FLOORs have fascinated you this week.


Edit: Kerry’s comment below prompted me to find this 1978 song – the day definitely had this as it’s theme tune:

and now I can link to Ritu’s Musical March Meme