Tag Archives: Marie Antoinette

A Good Yarn

It is fun to join in with a Yarn Along to see what others are making. I have been joining in with Ginny, but I have felt a bit of a fraud as she asks us to share our latest yarny work and the book we are currently reading.

I don’t seem to read any more – I don’t know why, lack of concentration or something like that. However I do like to watch films and TV series on DVD

and this means I can keep knitting, sewing or doing crochet as I watch or listen.

One of my favourite DVDs is Marie Antoinette

I love its quirkiness and the colour palette – as it says “a love letter to cake”! I have watched it over and over again, pausing to wonder at the fabulous food concoctions and patterns on the clothes and furnishings – it is a veritable visual feast!DSC_0640

And my latest yarny project has been inspired by Mrs Snail, who in true Permaculture style is re-using and recycling odd bits of yarn by tying them together and making hats – I’m going to give it a go.

I’m so glad I did save all the off-cuts.

Please feel free to join me by leaving a link in the comments – I’d love to know what you are making and/or what films or other DVDs you have enjoyed.