Signed, Tealed and Delivered


I am thrilled and honoured to be part of a wonderful charity project.

Each year Kate of Talltalesfromchiconia designs a quilt to be auctioned in aid of Ovarian Cancer Australia. Back in April she put out a call for volunteers to create a block or two for the 2018 quilt.

If you would like to know more about the charity you can read this article, published in the Teal Times.

Tentatively I asked Kate if I could contribute. I am not a quilter, but I enjoy working with textiles and I love a creative collaboration. An internationally created quilt for such a worthy cause is such a fabulous idea.

Kate has been marvellous throughout, helping me along with my block.

The overall design is one of postcards and envelopes.

I used to live at White Horse Farm and at first I thought I would applique the White Horse on a teal background and that would be my postcard. I soon realised that the shape was far too detailed so I had to think again.

This vintage postcard gave me the final design. Once I saw that another contributor had transfered a design to fabric I was away!



I took photographs and printed them in black and white to test the layout. I emailed this to Kate for her to comment. She suggested I made the cards smaller so that they were further from the edge.DSC_0251

I bought some transfer paper from W.H.Smith. The transfer paper goes through an ink jet printer and is ironed onto pre-washed, white cotton fabric, making sure you use a mirror image. You have to make sure you have a firm surface on which to iron as you have to apply lots of pressure. It was a bit nerve-wracking waiting to see if the picture had printed properly. I did the above practice piece just to make sure it worked.

To stitch the card to the backing fabric I chose a feather stitch on my sewing machine as there is such a thing as Dorset Feather Stitch, so it felt just right.

The card was franked at 2pm on 30th. September, 1909 in WeymouthDSC_0565

So much detail in that little postmark.

The background looked too plain so found a doodle I liked in one of my sketchbooks and doodled a border with Permanent Pen, ironing it to fix it.DSC_0247

My little package has been posted and I’m having fun tracking it as it travels across the world. It left Heathrow at 9am yesterday on its way to Brisbane, Australia.StandDfin

I’m so excited to see it take its place in Kate’s quilt.

Update: It has arrived!!! 17.Dec.17. I’m thrilled to see the package arrived safely.

And here it is amongst the other blocks.

17 responses to “Signed, Tealed and Delivered

  1. Pingback: Amelan Cheer! | Wild Daffodil

  2. What a wonderful project, Sandra

    Liked by 1 person

  3. For a non-quilter, you sure did a great job of conceiving and creating this block. I like that you included both sides of the postcard–it all turned out so well!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Murtagh's Meadow

    Sounds like a brilliant project! And a great idea to use the transfer paper for the square.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Well done! I love the way you used a real postcard and made a transfer from it. Those have gotten so much nicer over the years. I can’t wait to see this thing all together!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Laurie Graves

    Wonderful project! So fun to think of a creation traveling far, isn’t it?

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow – that’s wonderful.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. It’s going to be a great asset to the quilt, and I’m looking forward to seeing how it looks in real life! I’m so glad you enjoyed the process, and hope you’ll stitch along with us for the next one?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Kate. I will be thrilled when I see that the parcel got to you. All being well I would love to join in again – I’m keeping the remaining teal fabric safely tucked away just in case.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Lovely postcard and super project. I wish we had an ink jet printer so I could print onto fabric, we have an old very reliable office cartridge printer.

    Liked by 1 person

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