Monthly Meet-Up: Flower

cactus flower

Do you know what this flower is?

Hi everyone – here we are for our Monthly Meet-Up Photo Gathering.

The theme this month is FLOWER.



Years ago I used to do the Telegraph Cryptic Crossword each day and if ‘flower’ was in a clue it could mean ‘river’ – so just to be cryptic

this photo of a river in full spate, taken in March in the quite wonderfully bizarre Doreen’s Garden in Branscombe in DevonDoreen's Garden

To join in please leave a link in the comments to one of your new or archive photos or blog posts, it will be lovely to see your FLOWERS or indeed rivers!

Joining in with Cee’s Flower of the Day


45 responses to “Monthly Meet-Up: Flower

  1. Pingback: Windows | Wild Daffodil

  2. Pingback: Mystery Flower and Vase on Monday | Wild Daffodil

  3. Pingback: May Monthly meet-up: Flower | Postcard from Gibraltar

  4. Can’t believe I missed the monthly meet-up! Will do a post quickly!! Lovely flowers Sandra 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello – First-timer here 😊 I love this month’s theme, so I headed into the yard with my camera and ‘collected’ a few flowers.
    You can see the result here

    Monthly Meet-up ~ Flowers 🌺 🌷💐

    Is the ‘Mystery Flower’ a Christmas Cactus? Mine is confused and started to bloom 😅
    I love the Iguana (?) in the garden 😍 Do you visit him often or was it a very unexpected find?
    Thanks for hosting this beautiful photo challenge 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Welcome!!!!! Thanks so much for joining us.
      You are close in your suggestion of a Christmas Cactus.
      I will reveal the flower’s identity on Monday.
      I don’t get to see the Iguana often but if I’m ever in the area I go to see what else has turned up in Doreen’s delighfully bonkers garden. She raises money for the local Air Ambulance by allowing people to wander in as and when they like, so long as they leave a donation.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Murtagh's Meadow

    Excellent flowers – I hope you don’t mind but I back on the dandelion with my latest offer to your challenge –

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: Dazzling Dandelions | Murtagh's Meadow

  8. Sorry I don’t think the link is right, this should work, apologies.

    Photo Challenge Tuesday – Flower

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Ladies, thank you so much for opening up your photo challenge to all, it’s a lovely idea and I contribute agin next month. It’s so nice to see everyone’s contributions and read about why they have chosen their images. Afraid that I have no idea what the flower is but will be asking my lovely MamaH who is usually pretty good with flowers and all things horticultural. I will be back if she can enlighten me, unless that will be cheating? Thanks again to all of you for a great share
    My link


  10. Pingback: Photo Challenge Tuesday – Flower

  11. I wish I knew what your flower is – perhaps one of my readers might! Is it an indoor plant or an outdoor one? It’s a lovely colour and looks a bit like a succulent.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Pingback: Flowers: Familiar And Less So – Susan Rushton

  13. I liked your reference to cryptic crosswords. I love doing cryptic crosswords but have been doing some non-cryptic ones lately and they are just the same. Have to be alert to different meanings (and pronunciations). First flower is very pretty and I don’t think I know what it is but I always feel you need to see the leaf as well as the flower to be sure.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Another crocssword fan! Do you do them in newspapers? I will reveal the flower and the whole plant sometime soon.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I only do cryptic crosswords occasionally when I have time. (So busy with craft things!) I used to collect the cryptic ones in the Radio Times when I used to buy it and still have loads left to do. My son-in-law brought me a crossword book when I was in hospital. Mostly ordinary crosswords but a few cryptic ones. I have been working through these almost compulsively since. Like my brain needed something to do! My father used to do The Times crossword on the train to and from work and my mother would try to complete it the next day; as I grew up I would try to do some of the clues.


  14. What a fun and creative post. I love your crocheting.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Laurie Graves

    Don’t know what the flower is, but love that green creature!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I love doing cryptic crosswords, though you do have to get used to the writer to understand the clues, I’ll have to remember flower!
    Here’s my link for garden flowers;

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for your entry CC.
      I agree about getting used to the compiler of the Crosswords – I tried other newspapers but could not get on with them at all. It was fun to do the crosswords with other people as well.


  17. I suppose river is something that flows. I am not good cryptic clues, no patience. The flower you don’t name is very pretty but no I don’t know what it is.
    I love the primrose picture.
    Here is my link

    Photo Challenge- Flowers

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Pingback: Photo Challenge- Flowers | nanacathydotcom

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