Whimsical Collage Workshop: 1

At the beginning of November, on my way up to Yorkshire, I was lucky enough to attend a fabulous 3 day workshop: ‘Mixed Media, Whimsical Collage Circus’ organised by Art Workshops and led by Julie Fei-Fan Balzer and Nathalie Kalbach.

It was a residential workshop held in the Holiday Inn in Coventry and there were about 36 attendees.

We were 6 to a table. Look at the contents of the goody bag that greeted usworkshop goody bag

The organisation was superb, and Nathalie and Julie are excellent tutors.

They would first do a demodemo in art workshop


Then we would go back to our tables with a simple set of instructions and create.

One of the first exercises was mark-making

mark making, art workshop

No paint was to be wasted – to clean our brushes we used up any excess paint on newspaper and old book pages.

See the wonderful creative flurry on our tableart workshop, mark making

The best thing was that we were only given about 5 – 10 minutes to do each exercise – no time to think, just paint – it freed me up so much.

At this stage we were creating papers we would later be using in collage.

creating papers to use in collage

Gosh it was fun!

Julie and Nathalie both create a range of foam stamps that were there for us to excperiment withfoam stamps

We could also buy packs of them, foam stampsbut by the time I had decided which ones I would like, they had been snapped up!

There was an amazing array of art supplies in the ‘shop’ and lots of shopping going on!shop

It is hard to know which ones to buy before using them – this one of Nathalie’s turned out to be one of my favourites. She had made a book with each of her Foamies stamped as a simple repeating pattern

Nathalie Kalbach stamp

The fun comes when you use the stamps over other layers of paint. Here’s what happened when I started to play with it

mixed media

The trouble is I like it too much to tear it up for collage. You know that feeling I’m sure.

We did some fun exercises and had lots of laughs – at the end of the three days we all had 12, 6″x6″ collages to take home.

I will tell more in a future post, but in the meantime, Julie created a Vlog about her whirlwind trip to Ireland and Coventry which includes our workshop (starts at about 18.40 minutes in) – she has such energy!


Happy crafting!

24 responses to “Whimsical Collage Workshop: 1

  1. Pingback: Whimsical Collage: 2 | Wild Daffodil

  2. You create so many inspiring opportunities in your life Sandra – well done for living it to the full 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I don’t blame you for not wanting to tear your end result. Very nice effect!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow! Now THAT is cool! Not my thing- but I would LOVE to just soak it all up. Another thing I love about art is you can still get lots of ideas from so many art forms that may not be your style!
    Thanks for the link! Can’t wait to watch her vlogs!
    Sandra have you ever thought of doing a vlog?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha! Thank you for the question Eliz, but I don’t think you will see me vlogging – that is a whole raft of technology I’m not sure I have the time or inclination to get my head around!
      You have got me thinking though – what would I vlog about?
      What would you vlog about Eliz?


      • It’s your photos and your experiences traveling, so fascinating! I’d watch! :o) Or a vlog sharing your view that surrounds you, in the morning, at night, raining, snowing! It was just a thought :o) I need to search- are there fun Granny vlogs? Or is it just a young people thing?
        For me- no time, my expertise is clng (diapers/litterboxes/dogs) and cooking for 14 right now. Not very vloggy.
        I think vlogs are easy- just video (my kids use the camera) and download on utube.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Cooking for 14!!! Yikes! Hats off to you Eliz.
          I love that you would be interested in my ‘everyday shinnanigans’ – who knows maybe one day I’ll feel moved to make the odd video or two. You might have sown a seed – don’t hold your breath though! 😉 🙂


  5. Murtagh's Meadow

    That looks like great fun. Love the patterns.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. When I first started out mixed media-ing I watched a lot of Julie on YT – and I’ve ever since made my own papers by cleaning my brushes and then going bonkers on them with layers. I make my own large stamps from jandal bases – do you call them jandals like us Kiwis or maybe flip-flops like the Ozzies? I buy the cheap ones from the $2 Shop in large sizes – perfect for carving and I have a supply of giant stamps that work out about 50 cents each. That workshop must have been so much fun!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Now that is genius!!! We call them flip-flops and I will be trying that out!
      Thank you Pauline! ❤
      The workshop really was fun and as ever, meeting like minded arty-crafty types from all over the place was pure delight!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Looks very much like your thing.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This looks like a perfect workshop for you; your enthusiasm is excitement is quite evident!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Looks great fun, and I can vouch that you did indeed make some wonderful marks.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Wonderful creativity! Bet you were charged by it, and then of course the rest of the trip.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. The workshop approach sounds so liberating!!

    Liked by 1 person

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