Tag Archives: crocheted mandala

Crochet Mandala

crochet cotton mandala

I’m on Part 17 of Mandala Madness by Helen Shrimpton.

The end is in sight.

I started this project back at the beginning of August and it has gradually taken over my every waking hour – very little else gets done. I hate to have to leave it, I wake early in the morning to work on it and I’ve enjoyed seeing it grow and develop. It is the first project I have done for myself for ages and I love it.

Huge gratitude goes to Helen for the amazing pattern and to Esther of It’s all in a Nutshell for her wonderful video tutorials.

I have made a few alterations along the way:

  1. Spiro Star at the centre (tutorial here)
  2. Baby pineapples in Part 10, instead of bobbles in diamonds
  3. Plain single crochet instead of extended single crochet in Part 12.
  4. Missing out the back posts in Round 86 to create a slightly more broderie anglaise effect.
  5. And I plan to do a lacy edging, yet to be decided – any ideas or suggestions would be very welcome.

But other than that it is Helen’s pattern.

It is made with Scheepjes Bonbon cotton yarn and a 2mm hook.

The finished piece will measure about 1m across when finished.

I finished the 11th ball of the Chrystaline (main colour) just before the end of Round 102. So far I’m still on the first balls of Lime Juice, Candlelight, Snow White and Tropic.

If you would like to see some other yarny beauties and have a good old natter, pop across to Nanacathy.