Tag Archives: machine embroidery


Is this of any interest?

Here is an example of a tote bag from my shop


I photograph my work: crochet, crazy patchwork and paintings and they are made to order in the USA as high quality Tote Bags, Cushions (Throw Pillows) and other items, all in various sizes.


I get 14% of the sale price for each item.


If anyone knows of a similar company in the UK, please let me know.

I am very pleased with what I have bought from Society6 and never had to pay any duty on them here in the UK.

Have a browse there are lots more things to see here.


It is a while since I have done any machine embroidery, but getting the machine out to help Miss E with her bag enterprise has rekindled the passion.

Here is a cushion I made a couple of years agoDSCF2035 DSCF2038

It took quite a few experiments to get the ‘pineapple’ effect.DSCF2043



Itching to do more now.

Wild Daffodil at Society6

I have tried to hold back until a few things are sorted out before sharing a new online shop with you all – but it’s no good, I just can’t wait any more!


Society6 is an online shop based in America. Alisa Burke shared her Society6 items on her fabulous blog, so I had a go at uploading photos of some of my work (above is some of my machine embroidery printed onto a shoulder bag), and I LOVE it!!!

The look of the Tote Bags and the Cushions (Throw Pillows) make me squeeeeeak with joy!



I have ordered a Tote Bag for myself, to check out the quality and to see how much I will have to pay on top of the postage once it gets to this country. I was going to wait for the bag to arrive before blogging about it but it’s hopeless, I just can not wait!

The fabric is printed with a high definition photograph and I am really interested to see if they look as great in reality as they do online.

I have searched in vain for a UK or European site which does the same thing – the prices and postage are reasonable on the US site I think – just waiting to see what charges are made once in the UK.

Loving the idea of having a crocheted cushion sitting next to it’s photographed counterpart, and maybe a clock to match in the kitchen – or is that going too far?

11893045_11657592-clkfwhw_bCould always go for a slightly different pattern in the same colour way

11895639_3233226-plwfr2_b Having lots of fun thinking about different combos. . . .


and different sizes and scale, and then there are the rugs

11872507_14383183-rg23_jand the mugs


I’ve got masses of ideas prancing around in my mind for more and more things I want to photograph. PLUS ideas of things I want to make in order to photograph them and see them turned into bags and cushions .. so please pop into the shop and have a look around – I’d love to know what you like best – more to come very soon.

Post Card Swap! Nov 13

This is my third iHanna Post Card Swap.

I LOVE making all these wonderful creative connections across the world. During your visit to this blog, it would be fabulous if you would be able to take the time to put yourself on our Map. It is fun to see where everyone comes from.

Here are the cards I have sent this year – all made from A1 size collages cut to post card size and further embellished with doodles, paint and washi tape.

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And you can see cards from my previous swaps here, here and here!

Go over to Hanna’s blog and see all the links to all the other fabulous swappers, truly inspirational!