Tag Archives: cushion


It is a while since I have done any machine embroidery, but getting the machine out to help Miss E with her bag enterprise has rekindled the passion.

Here is a cushion I made a couple of years agoDSCF2035 DSCF2038

It took quite a few experiments to get the ‘pineapple’ effect.DSCF2043



Itching to do more now.

A Cushion for Big Sister

Big Sister chose the colours she wanted


Stylecraft Special DK: Bright Pink, Magenta, Lavender, Soft Peach, & Sunshine.

We found a cushion, no longer in use, to cover.IMG_0654


I got busy with the ripples.


To make a neat seam, I did a row of single crochet along each sidebig S6a bigs1

And then sewed up using mattress stitch, worked from the right side. bigS4

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I was lucky to find some sweet heart-shaped buttons with flowers on them in just the right coloursIMG_0670 (1)

And Big Sister was delighted to have a new cushion for her bedroomBigS7 IMG_0675

Coming downstairs I noticed the shoes in the hall and couldn’t resist a photo … my son and his girls …. aaaah …
IMG_0638Linking in with Ginny’s Yarn Along where you can see over a 100 other fabulous yarn projects on the go.


20% off and Free Shipping

Just thought I’d let you know: Society 6 have an offer running til Midnight 25th May, Pacific Time of 20% off the product price and Free Shipping

I am really pleased with their products.


Here is a link to the Tote Bag page.


If you do purchase anything, I’d love to hear what you think of it.

There are cushions as well:11865676_8914561-plwfr2_b

I take a photo of my work and Society6 then print the photo on fabric and make up the item. I like the visual pun of a crochet cushion sitting next to a print of crochet on a cushion.

It takes 2 – 3 weeks to get to the UK and there are no import charges, or extra charges made.

The clocks are fun too
11893045_11657592-clkfwhw_bThere are lots of other interesting designers seeing on Society6 so go along and have a good old browse.

Have a great weekend! It is a Bank holiday weekend in UK, which means a three day weekend and the start of Half Term for schools.


Spotty Cushion

My D-i-l (daughter-in-law) loves spots on fabric, crockery, all sorts of things and she wanted an old cushion recovered, so I set out to make a cover I hoped she would like.

spotty cushion

When I think of her and colour, soft blues come to mind so I hoped she would like the combination:

Cloud Blue, White, Silver, Meadow, Pale Rose, and Asterdots

in Stylecraft Special DK from the Wool Warehouse, and you can also get this yarn from Deramores by mail order.DSC_0205

When the crochet was lying flat, I misjudged the amount spots needed and needed to add more – very tricky once the sides had been sewn up


Note to self: always check the design of appliqué objects before sewing up!

spotty cushion

And …….. I do believe she really did like it!

For the first time I am joining in with Ginny’s Yarn Along at Small Things and I’m particularly excited as I have finally worked out how to put the proper link in a post! Now to work out how to put one in a widget in the side bar – still so much to learn!

Big Bro’s cushion, part 2

In Big Bro’s Cushion Part 1 you saw the cushion I made in bright zingy coloursDSC_0003

Big Bro (then aged 4) was delighted at first, but then he started big school and somehow these bright colours lost their appeal and now his favourite colour is ……………. BLACK!

He told me quite clearly and honestly that he didn’t like his cushion any more and would like one in black. I really didn’t think I could bear to crochet one all in black, so we negotiated. And I started out with Midnight, a very dark blue.

When I was crocheting along: Cosy Cal blanket with Lucy at Attic 24, I noticed the width of the blanket would wrap nicely round a 20″ cushion padcal

(Oh boy! Those colours! I will have to return to that combination again some time.)

So I started with a chain of 198, for a width of 120cm. in Stylcraft Special DK, ‘Midnight’ and a 4.5mm hook. (you could do Ch170 as a foundation, and have a smaller overlap, if you were going to use buttons to fasten). The pattern is very relaxing to work, being two rows of double crochet (DC, US style) and then 2 rows of  ‘granny ‘ groups of 3 dc in one stitch. (For the pattern and Lucy’s excellent tutorial, click on the link to the Cosy Cal above.)


I started this cushion on my few days away in Beer, continuing it over a pub lunch and discovered that this length would make a great scarf – what a versatile pattern Lucy’s Cosy Cal Blanket is turning out to be.

I managed to sneak in some other colours with Big Bro’s approval: Lipstick, Royal and Teal. (of course he must never know the red is called Lipstick!!! because at 5 he would definitely reject the cushion on that basis! It saddens me a little that this happens – but it does.)

But Royal Blue and Red are Superman colours – right?

I make a cover for the cushion pad, with an overlap like on pillows (the ones you sleep on) because I don’t like fitting zips and this is quick and easy. I just cut a strip of fabric, measured by laying the pad on the fabric. Then I put pins in where it is to fold, take out the pad and sew directly – a cinch!coverDSC_0199

In this case the overlap that seemed to fit best was about 14cm.


It is important that the width of the crochet is quite a bit smaller than the width of the cushion pad so that it stretches nicely over the inside, otherwise it goes all saggy and baggy very quickly.

Crochet along the edge that will be seen. I make small gaps for buttonholes, in case I might want to do a fastening later.

And here it is!DSC_0208DSC_0211 (1)All ready to replace the one with PINK in it!

And phew – Big Bro loved it!


Until the next time fashions change, in his 5 year old world, that is!

Cushions galore!

Making yet another cushion in order to try out a pattern – well you can never have enough… can you? I always have to have an easy project on the go to pick up in any odd moment and this 20 x 20inch cushion cover is my latest easy project. The pattern can be found on Ravelry as a free pattern by Red Heart, and if you log into Ravelry you can see 916 projects made form this pattern. I’m not surprised it is so popular, reasons for loving this pattern: There is no foundation row Easy enough for beginners Endless possibilities Suitable in any weight of yarn Relaxing to do. Very little counting. I’m sure I will think of others as I go along. 20inch And I’m thinking it will sit comfortably in front of the Summer Flight Throw. 20cush I will crochet until there is enough to cover both sides of a 20 inch cushion insert, with an overlap at the back to fasten.

Update: Please go to the Cushions Page, and then to the drop down Crochet Cushions to see more Crochet cushion designs.