Tag Archives: crochet pineapples

Crochet Mandala

Progress so far

crocheted mandala in cotton

I am loving seeing how this one develops, although , to be honest I am finding doing so much of it in one colour a challenge. It is harder to follow the pattern at times and my colour hungry eyes want to add more variety.

I am using Scheepjes Bonbon and a 2mm hook.

The main colour is Chrystaline, with touches of Lime Juice, Candle Light and Snow White.

In this photo I have just come to the end of the 5th ball of Chrystaline. Although the dye lot is supposed to be the same, the centre ball is lighter, I like it that way though. I’m thinking of using a darker turquoise later in the pattern.

What a relief to get to the rows where I wanted to put some pineapples in – well they are meant to represent pineapples. They are a bit titchy-tiny, but they are pineapples to me!

crocheted pineapples

You might remember I have a passion for Pineapples .

I’ll sneak them in where I can!

The ‘fruit’ is in Candle Light, the softest of pale yellows and the ‘leaves’ are in Lime Juice, which is slightly greener than in the photo.

The pattern I’m following is Helen Shrimpton’s Mandala Madness

with an alternative Spiro Star centre.

Over at Nanacathydotcom, Cathy holds a Knit and Natter on Fridays, so put the kettle on and pop over there for a good ol’ chinwag about all things yarny – she’s knitting gloves with fingers! The patience!

Pineapple Bunting

Version 3

These perky little pineapples make me smile.

Made with 4ply cotton and a 3mm hook using this pattern.

I made the leaves in varying lengths and added a picot point to each leaf.

More Pineapples


Yesterday, I mowed the lawn, I sorted out the compost, I did a little weeding and when the rain came and I could have been catching up with the many and various household tasks that have been neglected for far too long ……. I made pineapples …….. hey ho!