Tag Archives: giveaway

Textile Tuesday: 1500

4 inches by 4 inches, #brownpaperbagchallenge

Progress on the #brownpaperbagchallenge

(this is how they looked last week)

textile collage

And another one in progress

four inch square, textile art, collage

I just noticed that I have 1500 followers! How exciting, what a milestone.

Thank you to each and every one of you for being here!

Someone once wrote in the comments that Wild Daffodil is like a Crafts Magazine, and I loved that. One of the greatest joys of blogging is to share inspiration and ideas and give and receive support for all forms of creativity.

But the greatest joy is undoubtedly the sense of community that builds and the meeting of like minds – I really do thank you for every single visit to the blog, every like and especially every second spent taking the time to comment.

I really do value the wonderful friendships made along the way, that enrich my life and my creativity.

Huge hugs are beaming their way across the miles to you.


To mark this milestone, I would be interested to know

1. What you enjoy most about Wild Daffodil?

2.  What you would like to hear more about?

As a little Give Away, I will send one of the above pieces of textile art, when finished, to one of you picked at random.

Thank you for being here!


Result of the Christmas Card Giveaway

There is SO much I’m itching to tell you about, my mnd is in a bit of a happy whirl with it all. I went away for a couple of fun-packed, creativity-packed weeks and it is taking me ages to come back to earth and order my thoughts enough to make some coherent blog posts. But first – the results of the Giveaway!

19 people voted, 18 wanted to be included in the Christmas Card Giveaway

Thank you so much to all who let me know which picture they liked the best

It was a close run between the all white card and the one with the green hearts

Votes as follows:

9 votes for the White Tree

6 votes for the Green Hearts

4 votes for the Red Berries

Most of my family liked the Green Hearts best so I decided to have the White Shells and the one with the Green Hearts printed. And the proofs have arrived – but I’m not happy with them. cardsThey don’t seem to have the vibrancy they need. So I will need to go back to the printer and see if we can sort that out. A shame as I was hoping to have them ready to send out by now.

Anyway – enough of that – you want to know who won!

I wrote the names on some pages I was using for collage


folded them and popped them in a bag and asked Cathy’s husband Mr E. to pick out three pieces of paper for me.

IMG_2332And the winners are …..





Karina of Murtagh’s Meadow

Kerry of Love those ‘Hands at Home’


Jamie of Hook This Weave That


Congratulations all!

As soon as I have the cards printed I will be sending you 3 each.

Please go to my Contact Me page and email me your postal address.

Thanks again to everyone who took part, it was such a help to get your comments.


Shell Art and a Giveaway


I have created 3 shell Christmas trees and I’m wondering if one of these designs would make a good Christmas/ Winter Solstice/ Seasonal Celebration card…..

Do you think they would make good cards?

If so, which one? I can’t decide.

Number One: White Tree

shell art Christmas Tree

Number Two: with Red Berries

shell art and berries flat lay Christmas Tree

Number Three: Swarovski Crystal Green Heartsflat lay shell art, Christmas tree

The cards would not have the watermark on them when printed. They would be blank inside, with my name a web address on the back.

I will be giving away 3 cards each to 3 entrants (names pulled out of a hat) and will post them anywhere in the world.

To enter you must

  1. be a follower of my blog – sign up in the link top right if you are not already following.

2. Let me know, in the comments, which tree you like the best

3. Let me know if you would like to be entered in a Giveaway.


You can enter anytime up until my birthday on 11th November.

The result of the Giveaway will be announced on or around the 15th November and the cards will be sent as soon as they have been printed.

Good luck!

Candy Swirl Giveaway

Have you tried any of the yarn ‘cakes’ that seem very popular at the moment?

I had to have a go and started with a Stylecraft Special Candy Swirl, colour: Fruit SaladStylecraft Special Candy Swirl, Fruit Salad

I especially like the ones I’ve seen where the colours gradually blend into each other, so I was a little disappointed that this one did not do that…..Sol by: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/sources/alli-susiluoto-designs/patterns

…… but I was absolutely amazed that it seemed to have been created perfectly for Zoya Matyushenko’s design ‘Sol’, with the colour changes occurring on or near each round change. I did not cut the yarn at all, this is exactly as it came out, with a little yarn to spare.

Zola's pattern and Candy Swirl

The yarn is 100% acrylic DK worked with a 4mm hook.

I loved making it but now that it is finished and blocked, I don’t really have a use for it.

It measures 17″ or 43cm across

It could be a large table mat, or attached to fabric to make an 18″ cushion cover – do you have any other ideas?

Would anyone like it?

I’m offering it to you lovely lot first – after a week I’ll put it in my Etsy shop at a nominal price.

The ‘cake’ cost £6.99 but I’m happy for it to go to a good home for free. I would love it to be used in some way.

You can go to my ‘Contact Me’ page and message me if you would like it.

I’m not expecting a rush, but if there is more than one person who would like it, I’ll put names in a hat and draw one out next Friday.


Over at Nanacathy’s place there’s much to have a good old yarny natter about

Seahorse Giveaway: The Results


I’m sure you have all been on tenterhooks! Ha!

The winners for the Seahorse Giveaway were drawn on 11:11, sorry to have taken this long to let you know.

I wrote a list of the entrants and gave each one a number

Master R wrote out the numbersdsc_0076

and put them in a little pottery cupcake


painted by Little Miss M



Then Miss E, Master R and Little Miss M each picked a number.dsc_0081

They immediately wanted to know who had won, but I had left the list at home.


Miss E thought there ought to be a prize for the best idea too. They are away at the moment, when they return I’ll ask them to choose what they think are the best ideas and let you know.


Drum Roll please!

and a swim past by the shoal (herd?) of Seahorses …………….

Number 3: 10000hoursleft

Number 8: JPeters from Onto My Next 40 years

Number 13: Judy of Edwina’s Episodes

And for the new Followers, only one entry

The Peelings



And Cathy of Nanacathy, had a cunning plan – she suggested we swap a Tinsel Owl for a Seahorse

Ollie arrived! And immediately made friendsdsc_0007

then this happened!


Hmmm! I’ll have to watch that owl!

I decided 2 seahorses should swim their way ‘up North’ as a swap, and so after a final farewell hug they are now on their waydsc_0003

thank you Cathy for suggesting such a lovely way to exchange handmade gifts.

A huge Thank You to everyone who took part in the Giveaway and contributed so many creative ideas – I love co-creating things so much and hope to put the ideas to good use over the coming months.

It has been fun!

If you are one of the winners please go the the ‘Contact Me’ Page at the top and let me know colour and yarn preference and your postal address and I will be delighted to send the 4 seahorses on their merry way.

For anyone wanting to make a seahorse, the pattern is now available on Ravelry and Etsy.

Joining in with Ginny’s Yarn Along.


Beach Clean Hoodie


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The Beach Clean Hoodie is a great success!

Why Beach Clean? Miss E and I are working towards an art exhibition based on all the things we find on our Dorset beaches – the weather is getting colder – the hoodie is cosy and warm, just right for winter beach cleans.

Miss E chose these 3 seahorses and she wanted them on the hand-warming pouch – I just love co-creating designs. You can find the The Seahorse Pattern here.

Joining in with Ginny’s Yarn Along.

Ginny asks us to share books we are reading. I don’t read much nowadays but I was watching the film ‘Big Eyes’ whilst finishing off the hoodie. A true story.