Tag Archives: present for a boy

A Wizard’s Dreamcatcher

Scheepjes Maxi Sweet Treat

Another birthday and another dreamcatcher.

Master R, the Wizard and ardent Harry Potter fan, had his 9th birthday at the beginning of September. His sisters both had dreamcatchers for their birthday (here and here) and, when asked, he said he would like one as well.

My heart sank just a little bit as I know he likes purple and khaki green – not my favourite colours to work with. You might remember how I struggled to complete his blanket.

I searched for the right colours in cotton thread and found Willow in Scheepjes Maxi Sweet Treat  and Purple and Silver Grey in Rico Essentials.

Rico Essentials is a lovely cotton thread to work with. It has a slightly waxy feel – really nice.

Then I searched Ravelry for the right pattern – he likes Squares!

I found this paid for pattern by Svetlana Grebennikova on Ravelry, #1 Favorire

First I needed to work out which hook size to use

crochet square in cotton

I went for 2mm.

The pattern, written in English (US crochet terms), is not the easiest pattern to follow, but Svetlana did respond to my emailed questions very promptly and helped me through it.

The corners were tricky

crochet thread square

but I got there in the end.

This would make a cute coaster don’t you think.

crochet coaster

It is a clever design and I love learning new stitches.

square mandala

I attached the finished square to a 25cm gold painted metal ring that I ordered from a small independent online craft supplies shop Glitterwitch.

To get the piece taut enough it had to be turned into an octagon

Favorire, crochet thread dreamcatcher

I was a bit nervous about that. Would an octagon be acceptable to the Wizard?

I need not have been concerned – I was rewarded with the broadest of smiles and

“Oh! you made it to match my blanket!” and I got a huge wizardly hug.

There is nothing quite like the feeling of a little one being thrilled with something I have made. I am a very lucky Granny!

Upcycling for a 6 year old

It is Big Bro’s sixth birthday. I struggle with presents. Ethical thinking makes it a bit of a difficult road to navigate with young boys who love plastic and flashing lights and all things Star Wars or Superman.

The Village hall was having a clear out and these metal document cases1 were about to go in the skip – aaaaaaaarghhhh!!!!! NO! not more land fill. Surely I could put them to good use.

So with a bit of a clean and some trusty Duck Tape, I decorated some folders


hung them in the box


and after a good clean, added a bit of decoration on the outside.


I added a pen I bought for Big Bro from the Turner Gallery in Margate (thus supporting the arts)


which is also a screwdriver, spirit level and ruler.

Now that should be fine for a 6 year old boy shouldn’t it?!

I’m keeping the other metal document case for Little Bro’s 4th birthday in a couple of month’s time, because, if it is a success, I am guessing he will want one as well.