Tag Archives: Wells

Patterns and Pineapples

….. continuing the story of my Sunny Sunday with Noelle and Alison

After meandering through the gardens Noelle led the way into the buildings of the Bishop’s Palace …. we were wowed by the way the sunlight played with the stained glass windows in the chapelBishop's Palace Wells

light play


There was even a Stained Glass jigsaw jigsaw, stained glass

and more spectacular patterns in the wallpaper on the staircasegriffin, handprinted wallpaper


and then joy of joys – Pineapples!pineapple wallpaper

Anyone who has been reading my blog for a while knows I have a bit of a thing for pineapples, you can see more here, here and here

Although the wallpaper in the photo looks grey it was, in reality, a rich blue

pineapple wallpaper

Seeing my delight in the pineapple pattern, Noelle hatched a plan …. and on her way home she popped into the shops to buy ……

a pineapple

Noelle then showed us this marvellous way of carving a pineapple to get rid of all the spiky brown bits AND to make the pinepapple look spectacular – a fabulous ‘Crafty Trick’ cutting a pineapple

just see how spendid it looks

pineapple presentation

Alison and I were in for a treat

A delicious lunch awaited us in the oh-so-cosy conservatory

homemade soup and foccacia

Home-made soup and foccacia. I felt thoroughly spoilt – it was a day to please all the senses.succulents

I can’t leave this post without showing a close up of Noelle’s knitted jumper – her knitting is superb and in such soft yarn and gentle coloursknit

It makes me want to get back to knitting again.

The warmth of the day stays with me – thank you so much Noelle for your wonderful hospitality.

Before posting I checked with Noelle that she was happy with my photos and she told me of more delights she has in store for you on her blogs:

Here is Noelle’s Pineapple Chutney


Pineapple Carving



………Continuing to share our lovely bright Winter’s walk around the Bishop’s Palace, Wells, Somerset, England.

There is a smaller wings sculpture in the South Garden.

angel's wings

here, viewed from the rampartsWells, Somerset

from where one also gets this glorious view across the Somerset countryside


Peeping through the rampartspeep

you can see the moat below

swan in Wells, Somerset

There are some videos of the gardens and last year’s cignets here.

swan by moat

Like us, the swans were basking in the sun

whispering gallery, Wells

(Noelle and Alison in the Whispering Gallery)

swan in Wells

moat, Wells

And so was a cheeky little robin


sitting on his favourite posing post


All of us glorying in that clear blue skysky and the warmth the sun gave us

Noelle suggested this photo of me trying out the wings, it was such a fabulous day our spirits were certainly soaring

getting my wings

and I must show you Noelle’s marvellous hand-knitted hat and scarf/shawl, which looks like wings to mehandknit hat and scarf

more to come …..

Silent Sunny Sunday

Bishop's Palace Wells

With Noelle and Alison