Tag Archives: macro


DSC_0001washed through with bright hope

looking up at Summer skies

drinking in the rays




Cee’s Flower of the Day

Ronovan’s Haiku Challenge, prompt words: HOPE and UP

Our Weekly Photo Challenge: SUMMER

I was wondering which photo to choose to represent Summer and walked out of my front door to be greeted by the first Stargazer Lily to open this year – mmmmm that scent – mmmm those colours – says Summer to me.

What would your SUMMER photo be – to join in, leave a link in the comments.

Click here to see the prompts for the coming weeks

Next week’s Photo Challenge Prompt


Beach Clean Vase on Monday

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Still a little obsessed with my latest project – Beach Clean Art, I have set this oh-so-cute square vase filled with monbretia in front of one of my in-progress paintings and surrounded it with bits and pieces I have collected from the beach whilst doing my bit for the 2 Minute Beach Clean.


using these beach clean pieces for a backdrop again, this time complete with beach clean ‘Cleopatra’


and Tate Modern brooch


Tate Modern is selling these as a fund raiser to celebrate the new extension – exciting times, I hope to visit soon.

I have been developing the background canvases I showed you in this post, with a bit of stamping


A very roughly drawn ammonite (with a pencil) on the back of a polystryrene pizza packing disc has created some pretty good stamps I think.

I’ve been playing with bits of beach-clean to see which will make the finished piece.

These pieces are just laid on with no fixings whilst I decide – fixing everything securely is what takes the time – that is the work – all else is play.



I like the idea of fixing the smaller canvas to the larger, creating a little shelf – ooo i am having fun!

What do you think – does it work?

Joining in with Cathy’s inspired international garden flowers meme


Cee’s Flower of the Day.

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Monbretia with morning dew.

Photo Challenge Round-Up: Reflection


Echo calls from the mountain,

Narcissus only sees himself,

a doomed reflection


I am combining the Round-Up with ‘In a Vase on Monday’, scroll to the end of the post to read more about the ‘Vase’.

Here are this week’s REFLECTIONS:

Jane at Rainbow Junkie……. …………… ………ad infinitum

Cathy at Nanacathy…….. ……. ……….. …….         sentinels

💜 me at Wild Daffodil……… ……… ……….water sculpture

💜 Cathy at Rambling in the Garden ……8 pane abstraction

⭐️ Denis at Haiku Hound…….. ……….. ………….water colour

💜 Roz at Umpteen Things ……………………………..barmy?

Roz at Umpteen Things……………… …………………..canal

💜 Becky at BeckyG ………… …….. ………..  ……..spooky?

Christina A Look at the Little Things ……. …………..pink

Dorris at Dig with Dorris ………… …… ……….soft sunset

Ali at Thimberlina.………… …………….. ….pink and grey

Del from Curls and Skirls……….. ………………..thinking

Srivi at Piscean Me……………. …………gold, grey, breeze

Jen at Let the Sewing Begin ……………… ……….take off

The 💜 denotes a post that is also joining in with Ronovan’s Haiku Challenge – it’s fun to combine the two.

The ⭐️ denotes a post with a poem or haiku written to go with the photo, but not using  Ronovan’s prompt words.

Please let me know if I have missed anyone

Thank you everyone for your fabulous Reflections.

Next up is the Photo Prompt


You can join in the Photo Challenge any time, click on the link to find out how to and see all the subjects for the weeks ahead.


In this post I am also joining in with Cee’s Flower of the Day, Macro Monday, DSC_1006

Today’s Flowers


Cathy’s  wonderful ‘In a Vase on Monday ‘ where she invites us to find things in our gardens to pop in a vase each week. The great thing about this meme is that Cathy also adds a few props and each ‘Vase’ tells a story.

The mirror in the photo above is an appropriate prop for a ‘Vase’ referencing a myth about unrequited love. It was given to me many years ago by a boyfriend. Before I opened the present he told me that when I opened the wrapping I would see the most beautiful thing in the world – and of course, as it was a mirror, I saw myself!

Sadly the relationship ended before I wanted it too, but it is always nice to remember the good things and I still love that little mirror.